Sunday 8 May 2016

Lemon Detox Diet: Does it help lose weight or gain it?

Sunday, 8 May 2016

What the Lemon Detox Diet consists of (18909937)...

"The drink consists of the Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup plus your own fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water" (Catherine Saxelby, 2016)

This diet was founded by Stanley Burroughs in 1940. Burroughs discussed the benefits it has on one's health in his book, The Master Cleanser, whereupon one is able to lose excess body fat within 2 weeks of the diet. Additionally, whilst cleansing the body it is said to cure stomach ulcers. 
There are three types of cleansers; the full body cleanse in which no consumption of solid food is indulged over a period of 10-14 days where 8 or 9 glasses is drank as meal replacement. 
Over a 2 week period the relaxed version of the cleanse occurs at a slower rate, where up to 2-3 glasses of the syrup drink are consumed and solid food is allowed. However, it is said to stay away from food such as; processed foods, white bread, sweets and red meat. Lastly, there's a combination of the full body cleanse and relaxed version which is scheduled as 3 days of the relaxed diet, 3 days of the full body cleanse and the final 3 days of the relaxed version. 

Each day, you make up a 2-litre batch using
  1. 140ml of Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup which you buy
  2. Juice of 3 freshly squeezed lemons (about 140ml)
  3. 2-3 pinches Cayenne Pepper
  4. Approx 1700ml of fresh or filtered water

An analysis of the diet against its ability to meet the Australian Dietary Guidelines...

The Lemon Detox Diet is unbalanced and nutritionally deficient. This is because, it causes one's body to lack protein, fats, vitamins and fibre leading to other health issues such as constipation. In addition, weight loss occurs within this diet due to minimal food intake, whereupon one will gain weight as the diet is finished. This is due to the body response, in which the brain is signalled that the person is starving through which the fat is stored. One is prone to lose fluids and electrolytes not bodily fat. This diet does not meet the requirements for guideline 1 which focuses on maintaining a healthy weight through physical activity as well as a consumption of nutritious food and liquids in order to meet one's energy needs. 
The second guideline states that from the five groups a wide variety of nutritional food should be consumed everyday. This requirement is rejected from the lemon detox diet. 
However, this diet meets the needs for guideline three as foods containing saturated fats, added salts, added sugars and alcohol is limited.
Guideline four (support, encourage and promote breastfeeding) and guideline five (care for your food, prepare and store it safely) both, are not relevant to the lemon detox diet. 

Recommendations about following the diet...

The lemon detox diet is not an ideal or healthy way to lose weight.
It is not supported by any scientific research which approves or states of its nutritional benefits and acceptance.
An individual is undergoing starvation with this diet as it restricts the body to consume the amount it is supposed to within a day. Also, one is bound to gain weight once the diet is finished.
One does not receive their daily nutritional intake which further leads to health issues, regarding weak muscles (low protein), constipation (low fibre). 
This diet does not teach one about the right foods to eat as well as making healthy meals.  


Catherine saxelby(2016)Catherine Saxelby's FoodwatchRetrieved 8 May, 2016, from

Lemondetoxcomau(2016)LemondetoxcomauRetrieved 8 May, 2016, from

Eatforhealthgovau(2016)EatforhealthgovauRetrieved 8 May, 2016, from

Pinimgcom(2016)PinimgcomRetrieved 8 May, 2016, from

Myhealthcareercomau(2016)MyhealthcareercomauRetrieved 8 May, 2016, from

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